The USDA-approved, AAALAC accredited facilities include two sterile surgical suites, post surgical recovery rooms and radiology and diagnostic laboratories. AccuLab is dedicated to research that requires the ability to visualize vasculature and internal organs with radiologic contrast for diagnostic procedures, therapy, and monitoring of surgical procedure efficacy.
The equipment includes a poly-diagnostic C-arm configuration that allows both right and left anterior oblique views as well as the full range of simultaneous cranial and caudal views. Images are archived using fully digital capture in DICOM format for networking with human clinical cardiac catheterization labs for consultation with clinicians or sharing of images.
We are also equipped with IVUS as well as dual band and trans-esophageal ultrasound. Most importantly, the facility is available for physiological monitoring that requires dedicated, extended durations. Based on its size, equipment and staff, the facility is ideal for supporting physician training of new devices and approaches.
Our facilities can rapidly adapt to accommodate your most challenging preclinical models and research needs. We are a partner who becomes an integral member of your product innovation and customer training teams.
We are located in the Sorrento Valley area of San Diego, CA. 20 minutes from the San Diego Airport with a number of excellent hotels and restaurants in the local vicinity.